Uk nurse who contracted Ebola to resume work on monday.

The British nurse who contracted Ebola virus Sierra Leone, Will Pooley returned to Wst Africa yesterday after been cured of the deadly disease in UK.She was quoted to have said
   ' I chose to go before, and it was the right thing to do them and it's  still the right thing to do now'

Williams was flown to UK from sierra leone on the 25th of August when he contracted the deadly disease. He is to resume back at the Ebola Isolation Unit at the connaught hospital in Free town on monday 20th of 0ctober.

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4 Responses to "Uk nurse who contracted Ebola to resume work on monday."

  1. Welcome back williams..make sure u just take precautions...

  2. Good to hear he is now cured.

  3. Thats nice to hear

  4. Thought they called ebola a deadly virus why did dey now cure him...y did thomas duncan die in texas hospital? Was dere no cure for him? Dey are all bunch of liars...


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