support fred for VP

A movement of a blind man leading a group of blindmen is not 1 that should be lauded. I'd rather remained immobile than to hop on a train that is headed nowhere.......It keeps travelling in a vicious cycle of several miles at a point, with an undefined destination. Energy and resources are wasted yet nothing is achieved. Like a mathematician would say; to move from 1 point to another, bearing and direction are alpha and omega.

A goal without a vision; is like a task without a mission.It's not about the noise we make, but about the important choices we make.

Be wise not to be swayed by the noise of the market, lest u acquire a valueless stone for the price of a gem. No matter how loud noise is, it can not rival the sweet soft melodious sound of good music.

#FRED remains the FR{I}E{N}D we all need.


St. Oracle
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